Spring Valley Folate Dietary Supplement Tablets, 400 mcg, 250 Count
Spring Valley Folate Dietary Supplement is a great way to fulfill your daily requirement of this essential vitamin, which contributes to a healthy heart and cardiovascular system.* Folic acid is an important B vitamin that has many health benefits. Men and women of all ages need this B vitamin for energy metabolism and nervous system support, but folic acid is especially vital for pregnant women. Supplement your healthy lifestyle with Spring Valley Folic Acid.
Spring Valley understands living a healthy, balanced lifestyle is the key to being your best self. With an affordable range of products inspired by nature, Spring Valley supports your and your family's health and holistic wellbeing.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Spring Valley Folate Dietary Supplement Tablets, 400 mcg, 250 Count
Folic acid is a B vitamin that's important for heart health and cardiovascular wellness*
Helps support energy metabolism*
Taking Spring Valley Folic Acid daily is especially important for pregnant women, although men and women alike can benefit from the support it provides
Provides important support for energy metabolism to help keep you feeling great
Non-GMO, gluten-free, and dairy-free
United States coin image from the United States Mint